Friday, April 15, 2016

Low (or no) budget business startup part 2, get the wheels turning

Oh thank goodness you came back!  This post is part 2 of my “Low (or no) budget business startup” series.  If you missed part 1 (how dare you!)  You can get caught up here:
Low (or no) budget business startup part 1

Basically the goal of this series is to show you that you can start and run a business on an almost non-existent operating budget and still come out on top (hopefully).  This is not one of those blogs that is going to brag about how much money you can make if you buy my book and follow my steps (although I am working on a pretty great book right now…) this blog is really about showing you my journey, with all of its ups and downs and show you that it can be done!
Today’s post is called “get the wheels” turning.  That is my entire goal today, just to get you thinking of what you could create and build.  You don’t need to have a million dollar idea to get going; you just need an idea that works.  A perfect example of this is the first item that I started selling when I started my real Ebay business:
Not much to look at right?  Very inexpensive as well, tough to become a millionaire $5.49 at a time (before fees and shipping)  the reality is, this is a great product!  High profit margins, low cost of goods, and high demand….why are these in high demand and how did I come up with the idea to sell them?  I own a Jeep (actually I have owned many Jeeps) and when I lifted my Jeep and bought new, bigger tires I realized that my spare tire was pretty much useless.  I wanted to remove it, but when I did there were three holes left behind that I couldn’t leave open.  I figured that they must sell plugs for it, but after a ton of searching I really could not find many options.  AHA!  Found a need, found a product to fit the need and then started selling them.  Sometimes, it really is the simple!
My homework for you today is to get your wheels turning.  Think outside the box a little bit and work on a few ideas to solve a problem that you have faced.  Let me know what you figure out and make sure to read Part 3 here: Low (or no) budget business startup Part 3

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